Oct 04, 2018.How do you do that.? How do you do it for one video. It seems it must download into the folder the youtube-dl.exe is That is an ubuntu site.I have win 764 bit I would like to be able to download into a separate folder i.e separate from where youtube-dl.exe is and then move them to where i want. By default youtube-dl downloads files in the same directory from where you run the command. Mostly it's your home directory. If your name is Tom, then it is /home/Tom. To force it to download elsewhere you should use -o option; and to select quality of video, there is -f option. YouTube の動画をダウンロードしたいことがよくある。ブラウザ上ではなくローカルでの再生の方が扱いやすいこともあるし、アップされた動画が削除される前に個人的に保存したかったりもする。.
If you wish to download a YouTube video to store locally on your computer, you can do so on a Mac OS X system, and Linux systems, also, usingyoutuble-dl, a Python script. You can also download aMicrosoft Windows exe file from the youtube-dl DownloadPage. With youtube-dl, you can download videos from YouTube and othersites from a command-line interface (CLI).The best video acquisition tool out there, for the geeks, join ussssss.
For a Mac OS X system, you can obtain the script using the curl utility that is providedwith the operating system. You can also use curl on a Linux system, if you have it installed on that system. Alternatively, you can usewget, which isn't provided with the OS X system, but which you may have on a Linux system, ifyou don't have curl available. To obtain the youtube-dl script using curl ona Mac OS X system, you can open a Terminal window and issue the command sudo curl -L https://yt-dl.org/downloads/latest/youtube-dl -o /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl
. That will download the script and place it in the /usr/local/bin
Once you've downloaded it, you can make it available for execution by allaccounts on the system using the command sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl
to change the file permissions, since it won't by default be executable.
If you need to use Wget, instead, you can use the commands below:
Youtube Dl Config Location
Once you've downloaded the file and made it executable, you can get help onusing the program by typing youtube-dl -h
at a shell prompt, e.g., a Terminal window.
Youtube-dl Default Download Location Mac Free
To download a video, you can simply type youtube-dl url
where url is the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the video you wish to download. E.g.:
In the above example, I would have a MPEG_4(MP4) video file in the current working directory.